
All of a sudden Kale has become the superfood. Everywhere you look, you are getting kale-this and kale-that.  They even have cooks and chefs telling you how to properly “bruise” kale so that you can eat the darn...

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Today’s Sensibilities

You know, I get think people get way too involved with their personal agenda to really understand the real world as it existed in the past.  They judge people and situations in the past by today’s sensibilities and form...

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Dry Brine

I watch cooking show – a lot.  In the past few months I have heard more than one “chef” use the term “Dry Brine”.  What they have done is heavily salt the piece of meat (usually a chicken or...

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It Is In The Bible

One of the most frustrating things I get in response to certain issues that are, shall we say, contrary to age-old held beliefs of most Christians is that you cannot use logic to argue the believers out of their stand. These...

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New House

In case anyone cares that I haven’t been posting lately: in a nutshell we have been moving into a new house.  We closed about a month ago and we are still unpacking and trying to get around it. A word of advice:  do not...

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Oh Bernie

I know that I posted pretty much the same thing on FaceBook but I would be remiss if I did not expound on my on vanity site a little bit about Bernie and his recent successful run for the Senate in Vermont.  I knew about this...

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