Simple Request

If by some chance of fate that I am plagued with Alzheimer’s, I have one simple request. Return me to a time where I can imagine Sandy is in the next room!

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Shrimp and Grits

For some reason this food item pisses me off. Now I have seen this dish cooked every damned way that a shrimp can be cooked, including some ways that they should not be cooked for human consumption. And as for grits, I am...

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Some more about me

Most people think I am an irritant at best or a professional complainer at worst. I am neither. I am an analyst. I cannot help myself. I look at the FACTS and develop the conclusions and, when I can, the solutions. It...

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A thought on Abortion

Here is a thought: Abortion in America is usually stated at 600k+ (CDC) or 800k+ (Guttmacher) Both understate by at least 3,000,000. Why? That is spontaneous abortions and miscarriages. Bad nutrition, inappropriate...

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Getting Peace of Mind

I recently hit a point on Facebook whereby I had something of a meltdown. The person that I took it out on was not the most egregious conservative commenter to my posts or comments. He just happened to be the straw that broke...

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