On Morality

Dear Trump Supporter; I know you do not like my choice of politicians.  That is fine with me.  However, when you say things about them, the following things have occurred: 1.    On a rare occasion, they have proven to be...

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Republican #1

Just a thought on Republicans: I do not have any issue with Republicans.  I usually disagree with their point of view, not always, but usually.  They generally look at the world from a more negative point regarding people and a...

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Oliver North

Oliver North – A Study in Hypocrisy I just noticed that there is a program on the FOX News channel called “War Stories with Oliver North”.  I was aware of it but had never really come across it, just as I was aware...

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A place to pee

When are those pathetic self-righteous ignorant Conservatives going to realize that Transgenders are NOT wanting to go into restrooms for the gender they identify with to look at vaginas, penises, or to expose theirs.  They just...

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