For Sale on eBay

I really do not ship on eBay that often. Oh, I occasionally look for some item that is most often sold via an eBay Store which is handy. I also look into eBay for refurbished items, some used items, and out-of-production items...

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Pro-Police & Pro-Justice

It seems that based upon some posts that I have seen it seems that some people are confused or purposely trying to obscure the issue. Respect for the police and wanting them to obey the law and be held accountable are NOT...

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TO THE OLD MAN WEARING M.A.G.A. GEAR IN THE PORTLAND AREA TODAY: This is Portland dude. You are older than me and I am nearly 69. You know that this is definitely not Trump country. You know that wearing M.A.G.A. gear in...

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I see them promote the heck out the “Alone” series on the History Channel. If you survive alone for 100 days in the wilderness, you get $1 Million. They say “no one has ever done it” (exclamation marks...

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Our Non-Government

I haven’t been posting for a while as I have been watching the mess that has occurred as a result of the senseless killing of George Floyd recently. Now I know that he was detained for some cause. I do not care what it...

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