Some thoughts in Tattoos

Hey, I am an OLD FART!I am still learning to deal with this!Tats: I am very, very cool with them on a singular basis. They make a point. They represent you! They are and always will be Fan-flipping-tastic!Where I am still having...

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Would it matter?

In recent times, I have seen movies and documentaries letting the world know about women contributing to such things as the efforts to fight WWII and the space program because of their intellect, mathematical prowess, or...

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Some people have, justifiably, been questioning some of my posts (here and on FB) regarding my opinions regarding equality. In particular as it relates to Title IX and Affirmative Action. I get it. Anyone who champions...

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Those Immigrants

You know even if the immigrants coming to this country are problematic, you got to feel for them. They come from places where they are politically oppressed, up to and including being hunted down and killed. They come from...

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Coincidence or Trait

Let us look at some History: John Wilkes Booth– a Conservative, slave-supporting loser who killed a Liberal President to try to promote his “lost cause”. Charles Julius Guiteau – a disgruntled office...

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Oregon Measure 114

People who identify me as a liberal, a title I wholly embrace, may wonder why I object to Oregon’s Measure 114. The first thought in some minds is that I am a gun owner who owns several guns and who owns several guns who’s...

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I have contended in recent years that I have Asperger’s syndrome. The fact that this syndrome was not identified until I was in my 30’s does not diminish nor abrogate this diagnosis. Admittedly, most of my “proof” is...

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Snide and Nasty Remark

Hey, I know what I am going to post is snide, nasty, and totally inappropriate. It is also politically incorrect, as well as the antithesis of my generally liberal stance. But, it is nevertheless true. More’s the pity. And...

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Thoughts on Abortion

Listen up:The youngest fetus to survive birth is 21 weeks and 1 day, and this was a one-off for a baby around 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. Want to guess what that baby’s chances were for normal growth, physically and intellectually...

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