Women in the Workplace

I was just thinking.

It seems like just a few years ago, but it was a couple of generations, when there was a TV series called “Cagney and Lacey”.  It was not aimed at me, a male, and consequently I did not watch it.  I might have, but I really did not like Tyne Dailey, and when they dropped Meg Foster after, I believe, the first season.

But that is neither here nor there.  The biggest aspect of that series is that it was referred to as leading edge by some, while I referred to it as fiction.  The premise was two female murder detectives.  At that point in time, it was phony as a three dollar bill.  There was no way in hell that two women police officers would have reached the level in any police department to be detectives of sufficient sonority to work together.   In fact, at that point in time, it was still commonplace for female police officers to still not be considered to be full police officers.

I am not going to fight that battle over again.  I am just noting that facts as they were at that point in time and, so noted, state why I found difficulty with the show.

However, in recent years, a couple of my favorite shows have been “Rizzoli and Iles” and “Scott and Bailey”.   Just recently it occurred to me that same scenario that I objected to in the early 1980’s was totally acceptable now.

Do not get me wrong.  I know it is only a couple of TV shows.  It is not society as a whole and it is not the world as a whole.  But it is a little window into the world nonetheless.  I and, I believe, others find nothing odd about these new shows when we did back in the ’80s.

This may not be the progress that is needed but to say there is no progress is specious.  Even in such a small thing like TV, the difference is palpable.